The Dispatch from Moline, Illinois (2024)

DAILY DISPATCH, MOLINE, ILLINOIS: WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1936. 8 FORMER SENATOR Parish Societies Of Sacred Heart To Give Minstrel Son of Sugar Baron, Recent Guest In Moline, Wins Lap in Air Race OF IOWA PASSES Parish societies of Sacred Heart church will unite in presenting a minstrel show on October 28. 29 and (Continued from Page Four) 30, it was announced today. Arthur Goethals is chairman of the committee in charge. The first rehearsal ity, was held at the LeClalre hotel last night with a large attendance Moline Motorist Is Hurt in Auto Accident in Iowa William Allen, a guest at the LeClalre hotel in Molinp, was injured in an automobile accident at LeClalre, Ia this noon and is now in St.

Luke's hospital, Davenport. Mr. Allen was found lying beside his car in a ditch north of LeClaire, by J. A. Rouse and L.

D. Clark of Davenport. He appeared stunned and had incurred an injury to his head. He was first taken to a physician's office in LeClalre and then removed to the hospital in Davenport. Extent of the injuries had not been learned this afternoon.

Mr. Allen came to Moline on August 18 from Minneapolis. nf members. Charles Rawson Dies of Hip Fracture and Diabetes Complications. The resident of the chapter, Miss Thelma Wiese.

is to marry will be held in Sacred Heart school hall next Tuesday evening. BOY'S CLAIM IN AUTO Ralph Arnett on September 12 and the Lutheran hospital, rather than at Riverside park as previously planned. J. FELIX JOHNSONS RETURN FROM ABROAD Mr. and Mrs.

J. Felix Johnson, 1015 Thirteenth avenue, have returned home after spending the summer in Sweden. They were away three months and were with relatives most of the time. They her new home will be made in xowa ACCIDENT IS SETTLED nnv The members of the group ap pointed the vice Miss rthv Hofflund. to finish MifS If Bert Shiolev.

7. son of Herbert P. Wiese's term and Miss Mildred Holt Shipley, 520 street, Rock was named to the office or vice Island, was awarded a settlement rvrPKiriprit. for $59 bv Judee Forest Dizotell in a dinner narty honoring Miss visited Mrs. Johnson's mother and brother in Grasmark, Varmland, Rock Island county probate court today 1 on a damage claim against Wiese will be given by the girls next Sweden, and spent some time with Tuesday night at the Leuiaire note relatives of Mr.

Johnson at his birthplace, Karlskoge, Varmland. He and several other prenuptiai courtesies to fete the bride-elect have left Sweden when 2 years old and Kpon n. tranced. this is the first time he has been a snrial meetine of the chapter will be held on September 15 and hostesses at that time will be the lota 3 and 4, part lots and block 23. Illinois City.

Robert Cooper and wife Sarah, Jolnfc title, to Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, $200, SW SW see. 3-16-1W. Lawrence C. Murphy and wife Pearl to Rachel Van Poucke and husband Oscar, joint title.

$1. lot 32, Richland subdivision NE 4 sec. 7-17-1W. Amanda Post to Israel Post and Edmund, $1, lot 0. Adamsville addition, Milan.

Edmund Post and wife to Israel Post, $1. undivided lot 8, Adamsville addition, Milan. Margaret Archer, widow, to Charles L. Ruppert and wife Orace Joint title. $1, lot block 2.

Rock Island. Ida Wulst et al to Otto H. Larson and wife Irene, $1. part NW sec Misses Susan Stamm, Virginia liuna quist and Rachelle Tanghe. wil-attMided meetine of the Wo men's Benefit association was held in Turner hall last night.

The wo- wagon in 1836 and engaged in farming In Mercer county. There is a large number of descendants most of whom live in the middlewest and far western states. Officers are Charles Boyles of near Reynolds, president, and Mrs. Avis Babco*ck of near Aledo. secretary.

The E. B. Wood family of Rock Island will have charge of the program and races and games. SOPHIE WRIGHT CIRCLE TO BE AT THRIFT SHOP First meeting of the season of Sophie Wright circle of King's Daughters was held last night in the home of Mrs. Herman Linde, 2406 Fourteenth avenue, and most of the members were present.

Plans were discusseel for the year and the group completed arrangements for the Thrift shop next week. Refreshments were the culminating feature of the evening and the group accepted the Invitation of Mrs. Ralph Ludders to meet in her home on September 15. Word has been received from Chicago that a marriage license was issued there to Franklin J. Smith, 2730 Fifth avenue, Rock Island, and Miss Ella Zimmerman.

2209 Grand avenue, Davenport. The marriage was to take place in Chicago. Miss Zimmerman has been employed by the Bituminous Casualty corporation in Rock Island and Mr. Smith is an agent for the General American Life Insurance company in Rock Island. Mr.

and Mrs. E. C. Franzen and daughter, Ellen Louise, left today for Washington. D.

where they will make their new home. Mr. Franzen has been transferred to the office of the chief of engineers in Washington. Mrs. Franzen was Miss Margaret Leppanen before her Catherine Geddes lor injuries in an accident on August 21.

The boy was struck by an automobile owned by the woman and driven by Thomas Geddes on Second avenue between Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets. The boy incurred a cut beneath one of his eyes. Administration of the estate of Modest Dhondt of Rock. Island, who died in Davenport on August 29, was opened today in Rock Island county probate court. Judge Dizotell appointed Peter Dhondt, a brother, as administrator.

Heirs are two brothers, Henri and Peter Dhondt, and a sister, Marie Dhondt. The estate includes stock, bonds, notes, and bank deposits, personal property being estimated at $6000, according to the court petition. TRAFFIC SURVEY WILL BE PLANNED IN ROCK ISLAND mpn snent most of the time plan ning for the tri-city meeting to be FRANK L. SPRECKELS. Des Moines.

Sept. 2. iJPh-Charles A. Rawson of Des Moines. 67, former United States senator from Iowa, died today at Iowa Methodist hospital.

Mr. Rawson was taken to the hospital August 10 after he suffered a fracture of the hip when he fell out of bed at his home during a dream. He had suffered from diabetes for years, his physician. Dr. A.

C. Page said, and complications resulting from this disease and his Injury caused his death. Long a republican party leader. Mr. Rawson earned the reputation among his fellow party workers of being a harmonizer and peace maker between factions of the party in the state.

He served the party as its state chairman from 1912 to 1924 and as its national committeeman Jrom 1924 to 1932. Succeeded Kenyon. He was appointed United States senator in 1922 by former Gov. N. E.

Kendall to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of the late Senator William S. Kenyon of Fort Dodge, who had been appointed a circuit court of appeals judge. Mr. Rawson took the appointment with the agreement that he would serve only from February until the November election. Former Senator Smith Brookhart of Washington, la, was elected to serve the remaining two years of Kenyon term.

Mr. Rawson and Kenyon had been- roommates at Grinnell college and Rawson had managed Ken-yon's successful campaign for senator in 1911. He also was an active supporter of the late Senator Albert B. Cummins, who was father in-law of Mr. held in Moline In October.

Another meetine of the associa 2-N-2W. tion will be held in two weeks In the halL Frank L. Spreckels of San Francisco, son of the sugar baron, who won the Cleveland-Dallas lap of the Ruth Chatterton air derby being held from Cleveland to Los Angeles, was an overnight guest of the Otto H. Selfferts in Moline a week ago. Mr.

Spreckels stopped in Moline, while en route west flvine his own two men had met when they attended Middlesex preparatory school at Concord, Mass. Mr. Spreckels is pictured above as he landed his plane in Dallas after flying there from Hot Springs, Ark, on the last leg of the Cleveland-Dallas lap of the air derby. Mr. Spreckels is a son of Anthony Spreckels, the sugar magnate.

Graham Women's Relief corps aia society members will meet tomorrow afternoon with Mrs. Ruth Becker, 1857 Fourteenth avenue. A session of the corps will be held ship, to visit Allen Seiffert. The at 2:30 Friday afternoon in Swedish Olive hall. Sim IS THE.


Arnold and son of Ann Arbor. Mich, are back. The Johnsons attended the meeting of the Swedish Union of Singers in Stockholm in June, one of the features of which was singing by a chorus of 4000 voices. There were singers from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, the United States and other countries. Mary Ann Crump, younger daughter of Maj.

and Mrs. I. A. Crump of Rock Island arsenal, celebrated her 13th birthday anniversary yesterday by entertaining six tri-city friends at a 1 o'clock luncheon In the arsenal golf club. The table was adorned with a lighted birthday cake and bowls of pink flowers.

Shell favors marked the places. Following the luncheon the hostess and her guests attended the Capitol theater matinee. Guests at the party were Lenora Gaugler, daughter of Lieut. Col. and Mrs.

R. A. Gaugler of Rock Island arsenal and five classmates at St. Katharine's school, Victoria Wiggins, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.

Sidney Wiggins, and Margaret Simonson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Devore N. Simonson, both of Rock Island, Constance Turner of Moline and Patricia McClelland and Shirley Muhs, both of Davenport. Supreme Forest, Woodman circle, Black Hawk Grove No.

197, will hold a business meeting at 8 tonight in Turner hall. Danish Brotherhood and Sisterhood will hold their annual meeting tomorrow night in K. P. hall. A special program has been planned and friends are to attend.

MISS IIOGLUND NAMED TO SERVE AS CHAPTER HEAD Business meeting of Gamma Nu chapter, Sigma Phi Gamma soror ents of a daughter born yesterday in Moline public hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hull, Twenty-third avenue, and Forty-sixth street, are parents of a son born yesterday in Moline public hospital. ration with Mrs.

Ar nold's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Steenburg, 1511 East High street, Minneapolis, Sept.

2. (JP) The Pillsbury mill, one of the largest flour mills in the nation, was closed (Davenport, and Mr. Arnold motner, Dispatch gipecial Service. Rock Island, Sept. 2.

Plans for a nine-month traffic survey in Rock Island to be conducted by the WPA will be discussed at a meeting at 7:30 tonight in the Rock Island Chamber of Commerce office. Results of a ten-day survey of policemen will be studied. A suggestion will be made that the city council enact an ordinance requiring motorists to report all accidents regardless the nature. Lewis J. Owen, assistant for statistical collection projects for WPA, will outline the traffic survey plan.

The Chicago Motor club will Mrs. J. D. Arnold. 1130 Firteentn street, Moline.

The Arnolds spent down at noon today, throwing more than 200 men out of work as a re 1 some time at the University of Michigan biological station at Douglas REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS sult of the terminal elevator strike, Lake, where Mr. Arnold has while additional employes of the Rawson's brother, Hollis A. Raw son. Minnesota grain inspection depart ment were placed on half time be Mr. Rawson became state republican chairman in 1912 when the cause of the decline in grain been doing some research work.

Letter Carriers' auxiliary will hold a picnic next Wednesday afternoon at Long View park, having postponed the outing from today because of the Jess Weideman and wife Eunice to Tbomae A. Donaldaon and wile Agnes, Joint title. $1. 3-3 lot 6, block 17. town of Hampton.

W. Herman Sand, widower, to Ed Sand, $1. SW aec. 21-19-3E. Bull Moose presidential candidacy rv 1 Pickets from the flour, feed, Ce of the late Theodore Roosevelt split Men making the Iowa party.

He was elected na real and elevator workers prepared to enter. inn. Mn Svnon and Esther Eiea- tional committeeman when John T. weather. a RGHT TUQnTaVa HK3H nore Swanaon to John F.

Johnson and SALESMAN'S SAMPLES STOLEN AT DAVENPORT The management immediately or Adams of Dubuque retired. marriage. Triple circle of King's Daughters held its first meeting of the year last night in the home of Miss Evelyn Tunnicliff, 618 Twenty-first street, and most of the members attended. Business was routine and the girls talked about the King's Daughters' convention in Pekin. Refreshments were served at the evening's close.

The next meeting will be with Miss Ruth Marie Vaner, 1718 Twenty-ninth street, Rock Island. Augusta Erickson Hospital circle will meet tomorrow afternoon in ROOF TROUBLES rate of SPEED, momenVura must be considered as much dered that the mill cease operation as soon as the morning grind of wheat was finished. This leaves only one large Minneapolis flour mill County's Property Insurance Will Be Come from poor materials and Judd Hartzell, salesman of Gales-burg, 111, reported to Davenport rxjlice that his sample case contain or more so, Vhan wHcn round-l Helen, daughter. Joint title, si, feet lot 1. block Moline Water Power Co.

5th addition. Moline. Harriet JZ. Roberta, widow, to Henry O. Roberts.

lot 4. block 6, Columbia Park, Bock Island. Maurlta E. Collin and wife kuly M. to Edward C.

Smlty and wife Toma B. $1. lot 15, block 185, city of East Moline. AmAii Wtinwriffht. widow, to Robert In operation.

Those which have no workmanship, call the Davenport Roofing Company and you will save Put on New Basis ing twenty-three cloth aprons and six newspaper carrier sacks was private storage elevators were closed at the start of the strike August 19. The union is seeking recognition. money and roof trouble. irv a curve. 7 A driver who loses, control his steering because op SPEED should also lose stolen in the waiting room in the DAVENPORT ROOFING CO.

Dial 3-7044 Adv W. Stebblns and wife Stella SI, lots Clinton, Davenport and Muscatine railway station in Davenport last evening. 3 and 4. part iota 2-20; au diocb. j.

Rapids City. Brwlr Talanri Trimt Co. to Dale N. Insurance committee of the Rock Island county board of supervisors, In conference today with insurance men of Rock Island, Moline and East Moline, continued its study of frtl personal control oP BIRTHS Johnson and wife Elizabeth, $1, lots rue nrvororr A census estimate of the population of New York state in 1933 1 and 2, tract BOUieyara aaai-tion. Rock Island.

Earl V. Price and wife Henrietta. Joint title, to Era E. Carlson. $1.

all readjustment of all insurance on tne courthouse, county jail, county home nri tuberculosis sanatorium. Re Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Steele, 306 Sixteenth avenue, Moline, are par- placed the total at 12,965,000. Youthful Capelet Yoke for Juniors Edited by LAURA I.

BALDT, A. M. For many years 'Assistant Professor of Household Arts, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. adjustment probably will involve policies totaling more tnan a mu linn rtnllars.

The committee is convinced, after studying the situation that the county has insufficient coverage on its property. It probably will re-nnrt a nlan for a new eeneral form policy at the ad journed September session of tne boara. supervisors will convene next Tuesday, but will lllll adjourn until later in the month when the annual budget and appro-nriation will be considered. In final form the policies probably will be adjusted to fall due in September, in a plan which will make the aggregate premiums ap proximately tne same every 5'ear. In September the county's financial balance usually Is at its peak.

Fire policies, under a standardized form, will be allotted to various agencies in tne county, iwring tne last month an inventory of county property has been prepared. Two-Flat House To Be Built on DC5IL Eleventh Street Building permit for construction Of a two-story duplex house at 2020 Eleventh street was issued today to By Nelly Graf Howard E. Johnson, contractor, for Charles Parks. The residence will have eight rooms and general construction cost will be approximately $6000. There will be two apartments located In the house, one upstairs and the other downstairs.

TflwY MAN ARRESTED THOUGHT TO BE ESCAPED CONVICT First Publication of a Fascinating Serial of a Girl Whose First Love Crashed in an Unhappy Landing Jesse Payton, 38, arrested by Davenport police yesterday afternoon in the 500 block In Tremont avenue while attempting to sell a new bicycle, is believed to be an escaped convict from the Kansas state prison In Lansing, J. J. McDermott, lieutenant of police, stated this morning. Payton was given a ten-day jail sentence by Magistrate John A. Hornby on a technical charge of vagrancy.

The prisoner was photographed and fingerprinted following the hearing this morning. In comparing the prints with the criminal record file. Lieutenant McDermott found Payton 's and picture attached to a bulletin showing he escaped from the Kansas prison in 1923 while serving a twenty-one-year sentence for first degree robbery. POST-GRADUATES ASKED TO REGISTER THURSDAY Rarely does fiction of action contain fine delineation OF HUMAN EMOTIONS. BUT "SKY GIRL" WILL SURPRISE YOU.

FOR IT COMPRISES A LOVE-STORY OF UNCOMMON BEAUTY WITH ADVENTURE AS STARTLING AS THE STACCATO DRUMMING OF A MACHINE GUN. Beginning Tomorrow in the Dispatch Ui Wiiiil Mil I Young things will adore this little yoked dress. It can lead a double life with its free-swinging sleeves. Youll wear It for active sports as well as for all-day occasions. With the sleeve and yoke cut' in one piece, makes it very simple to sew.

You can make it at a cost that permits of important saving. For the 15 year size, 3 yards of 35-inch material yard of 39-inch con C. R. Crakes, principal of Moline high school, asks that all post-graduate students register for classes at 9 tomorrow morning in Room 116. Georgia and other southern farmers are undertaking late vegetable planting to offset droutfx losses.

trasting is sufficient. Choose a gay cotton pique, shantung, percale, shirting cotton and have the belt contrast. Style No. D-2972 is designed for sizes 11, 13. 15, 17 and 19 years.

Crisp swiss in new bright grass green dotted in white is fascinating scheme with white patent leather belt.

The Dispatch from Moline, Illinois (2024)


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