Last update: 08.07.24.
Reason: Update mod to version: 26.05.24
The mod was created to correct the flaws of The Great War Mod.
- 1910 and 1914 Scenario.
- New focuses: Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Ottomans, Serbia, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Qing/China, Netherlands, Australia, USA, Canada, Brazil, Sweden, Belgium. Korea, Liberia. Other National Focus from the original mod are partially modified for balance.
- MTG Fleet.
- New Ideas, Events, Decisions, Missions.
- New unit models for WWI and Interwar Period.
- New Tech Trees, Units, Equipments.
- Huge Map Improvements.
- NSB Tanks.
- V.0.12.2 - States and France
Version 08.03.24 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.14.1 - 1.14.2)
- Updated the mod to the 1.14* version of HOI4.
- Fixed USA declaring war on Germany after the Great War.
- Fixed immortal Rasputin.
- Irish Independence War fixes.
- New icons and portraits.
- New locs.
Version 17.02.24 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.13.1 - 1.13.7)
- Updated the mod versions in the descriptor file.
- Fixed AI pulling troops away from the borders, and general AI improvements.
- Added Indochina along with a small focus tree.
- Interwar French focuses.
- UK and Russia can continue fighting even if France surrendered.
- New portraits and icons.
- Added missing locs.
- The WW1 Doctrine tree is now horizontal.
- 3D model fixes.
- Added more MIOs.
- Added Arab Revolt super event.
- Nerfed the amount of xp gained from training.
- Military advisors cost fix.
- Small balances and fixes.
Version 09.11.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.13.1 - 1.13.5)
- Update
Version 16.10.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.13.1 - 1.13.4)
Stella Polaris fixes:
- Fixed MIO bonuses not applying to certain tech and equipment;
- Added MIOs for: Germany, UK, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Russia;
- Corrected French and Greek MIOs;
- Corrected the consumer goods value;
- Added missing AI market behavior;
- Countries aren't as willing to give market access to everyone anymore.
Greek fixes:
- Fixed decisions to fight Epistratoi no appearing;
- Added search filters for the Greek focus tree;
- Fixed missing events.
Minor fixes.
- Improved Austro-Hungarian, Russian and Serbian AI.
- French AI is more inclined to protect Thessaloniki now.
- Nerfed Austro-Hungarian starting equipment.
- Nerfed Serbian Exodus national spirit.
- Fixed Xinhai revolution ending too early.
- Fixed Treaty of Batumi.
- Arab revolt fixes.
- Fixed Romanian not entering the Great War.
- Spain now gets something if they have participated in the Great War.
- Reduced the number of Japan's convoys.
- Tweaks to postwar France.
- Fixed a low change bug where Serbia could get and core part of Morocco.
- Some new portraits.
- Minor fixes and tweaks.
- Loc fixes.
Version 11.10.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.13.1)
Updated the mod to work with the 1.13 Stella Polaris update:
- Added French and Greek MIOs;
- Added generic Finnish portraits.
- Added some new portraits and icons.
- Added strengthen Greece game rule.
- Nerfed howitzers.
- Standing Alone trait is now a national spirit instead.
- Potentially fixed a crash that occurred when France won Franco-Syrian War;
- Fixed Turkish National Movement surrendering too early in the Greco-Turkish War.
- Fixed Constantine I no returning with 1920 monarchy referendum;
- Fixed Greek state integration;
- Fixed Battle of Epirus firing after the Great War;
- Added a bypass for Greek intervention the in Russian Civil War;
- Fixed Greek railway decisions.
- Fixed reverse IFC debts.
- Minor fixes.
Version 09.10.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.14)
Greek rework:
- Focus tree with four paths and content up to 1923;
- Historical Army;
- New decisions, mechanics, events, etc.;
- New generals and advisors;
- New countries: Norther Epirus, Crete.
Partial Tech Rework:
- New Aircraft tree with new units: seaplanes and recon airships;
- Infantry weapons tech rearrangement;
- Added grenade tech branch;
- Support weapons will no longer increase supply consumption;
- Reworked non-NSB armor tree.
Industry rebalance:
- Reduced the overall industrial levels based on real life production data. Germany and UK are comparably more powerful now.
Expanded Serbian focus tree.
- Reworked generic tree.
- Added small industrial focus branch for Germany.
- Added Chinese Eastern Railway as a concession state of the Russian Empire.
- Reworked European railways.
- New Balkan related supervents.
- Added Franco-Syrian War.
- Improved Norther Russian government in the Russian Civil War.
- Optimized Ottoman minority management decision category.
- New portraits and icons.
- New generals.
- Added a game rule for hiding obsolete focus path.
Balance changes:
- Nerfed armored cars;
- Several Ottoman balances;
- Ai tweaks.
- Fixed errors that occured from not having DLCs;
- Fixed gamecrash that occured from not having DLCs;
- Fixed Yemen revolting in the Great Arab Revolt;
- Fixed French civil war not triggering;
- Several Balkan War fixes;
- Several Ottoman fixes;
- Several loc fixes.
Version 04.07.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.14)
- Fixed a crash involving Serbian decisions.
- Added advisors for Ukraine.
- Tweaked Ukranian People's Republic of Soviets.
- Fixed USA not joining the Great War.
- Prevented Franz Ferdinand form undying ever again.
- West Thracian character tweak.
- Small Austro-Hungarian tweaks.
- Small Serbian tweaks.
- Small error fixes.
- Balance changes.
- Loc fixes.
Version 22.06.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.14)
- Update
Version 16.06.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.14)
New content and tweaks:
- Austro-Hungarian rework.
- Serbian rework.
- Bulgarian Balkan War focus branch rework.
- New loading screens and logo.
- New main theme - Mahler Symphony N°5.
- Added advisors and generals for Finland.
- Reworked Mexican characters.
- Split 'Autocracy' sub-ideology into absolute and Semi-Constitutional monarchies.
- Added 'Revolutionary Nationalism' sub-ideology (proto-fascist).
- Added 'İttihadism' sub-ideology (proto-fascist).
- Reworked land doctrines.
- Added historical 1910 armies for UK and China.
- Added historical 1914 armies for Germany, France, UK and Austria-Hungary.
- Tweaked Xinhai events.
- Tweaked Greece.
- Added Crete.
- Arabistan tag and state.
- New portraits and characters.
- New icons.
- Defeated monarchist France won't revert to the republic.
- Added some flavour events for Germany and UK.
- Added Lenin assaination event.
Fixes and rebalances:
- Fixed 1915 crash.
- Fixed Contestado war happening twice on 1914 start date.
- Fixed Puyi's portrait.
- Fixed Race to the Sea ideas.
- Fixed Agadir bypass.
- Adjusted AI behaviour.
Version 29.04.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.12)
- Update
Version 09.04.23 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.11)
- Update
Version 24.10.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.4)
- bug fix
Version 07.10.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.12.1 - 1.12.3)
- Updated the mod to the 1.12 "Avalanche" game version.
- Made the mod compatible with the "By Blood Alone" DLC. (Plane Designer is not implemented).
- Resolved the 1914 start date crash and possibly the June 1913 crash.
- Added 1914 British Navy.
- Fixed Ottoman negative modifiers applying to other countries on 1914 start date.
- Added more generics for the new Officer system.
- Added unique officer ranks for Austria-Hungary, Russia, Ottomans and Korea.
- New advisors for Italy and Russia.
- Removed paratroopers.
- Utilized BBA gfx.
- Some Chinese fixes.
- Chetniks are now given by a focus.
- Made militias into actual militia units.
- Made Ottoman "Fırkai Daraa" template into irregular infantry.
- Previously locked templates are now capped instead.
- Germany now starts with Motorized researched.
- Added Belgium forts.
- Added interwar Spanish events.
- Added new events to Ethiopia and replaced one of the leaders.
- Fixed some loc typos
- Some new focus icons.
- Some new portraits.
Version 26.09.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.1 - 1.11.13)
V.0.9.061 Hotfix
- Fixed Germany missing navy tech.
- Fixed armoured cars not being researched if NSB isn't enabled.
- Replaced one Liberian focus icon.
V.0.9.06 "The July Crisis" - 1914 Start Date Update
New content and tweaks:
- 1914 Start Date added (WIP).
- Reworked leaders of German Democratic Path.
- New Portuguese evens.
- Reworked Portuguese general staff.
- Romania now starts democratic.
- Added national spirits for Romania.
- Reworked Romanian general staff.
- Added Polish expansion focuses.
- Added Polish-Lithuanian War.
- Added Polish-Ukrainian War.
- Plebiscites on German border states.
- Added French Occupation of the Baden-Württemberg and the Ruhr.
- Added British intervention on Agadir Crisis.
- New national spirits added for Chinese countries. (From Kaiserreich.)
- Added decision to invade Tibet for Chinese countries.
- Tweaked National Protection War:
- Added historical flavour.
- Added Alt-historical Beiyang Triumvirate path .
- Added Qing restoration path .
- Added the Rif War.
- Added new Prime Ministers and two generals for Australia.
- Added Transcaucasian SFSR .
- Added dynamic names for Baltic states/victory points.
- Added Lithuanian interwar events.
- Tweaked some socialist countries naming and colours.
- The Soviets will ask for truce when the Polish troops reach either Minsk or Kiyv.
- Russia will lose cores and claims on Polish territories in case of defeat.
- Poland will lose cores and claims on Belorussian or Ukrainian territories in case of defeat.
- Tweaked Finish Civil War.
- 1923 Great Kantō earthquake event added.
- Halifax Explosion event added.
- Ticino/Tessin dynamic names.
- Added Independent Somalia.
- Removed Persian claims on Caucasus.
- New portraits and generals.
- New focus icons.
- Fixed the order of national spirits being loaded causing multiple errors.
- Fixed multiple misc errors.
- Fixed unit missing rifles.
- Fixed Separatist Sentiments national spirit.
- Fixed French Memelland.
- Greece won't join the Entente when Constantine I is the leader.
- The Balkan League won't surrender on Serbian capitulation.
- Qing won't be able to release Tibet and Mongolia anymore.
- Fixed Papal events.
- Ottoman Navy will transfer to Turkish Independence Movement.
Version 25.06.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.1 - 1.11.12)
- Tweaked the Second Balkan War. (could fix the crash)
- Fixed cavalry's stats.
- Fixed Airship Bomber modifiers.
- Shkodër and Vlorë states added.
- Added Fiume TAG.
- Greek events,
- Interwar Albanan events.
- Interwar Siamese events.
- New Italian advisors.
- Added leaders for Danzig.
- New portraits and generals.
- Generic portraits tweak.
- Fixed Italian interwar tree being unavailable.
- Italian civil war improvements
- Solved localization conflicts.
- Added Austro-Hungarian company icons.
Version 05.06.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.1 - 1.11.11)
- Rebalanced the industry values.
- Belgian war focus tree added.
- Added 1915 Shell Crisis.
- Tweaked Ottoman separatist sentiments.
- France's interwar focus tree change is not mandatory now.
- Agadir Crisis fixes.
- France won't surrender for no reason in 1918.
- Balanced the western front.
- German focus tree tweaks and fixes.
- And more
Version 13.04.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.1 - 1.11.10)
Version 25.03.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.1 - 1.11.9)
Version 19.03.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.1 - 1.11.9)
New content:
- France:
- Reworked national focus tree.
- National assembly and elections mechanics.
- French-German border reworked.
- Added a super event for the Battle of Verdun.
- Added new decisions and events .
- New portraits.
- Historical army units.
- General staff rebalance.
- Liberia:
- Added national focus tree.
- Added decisions and events.
Minor changes and tweaks:
- New generals.
- New portraits.
- Italy
- Historical army units.
- National focuses rebalances.
- Reworked advisors.
- Britain
- Released Hohenzollern with a more sutable one,
- New interactions within the empire.
- General staff rebalance.
- Railway Gun rebalance.
- Soviet fixed and new content.
- Added Great Depression super event music.
- Few Japanese event tweaks.
- Leader change events for few minor countries.
- Flags tweak.
- AI Behaviour tweaks.
- New 3D models added.
- Fixed Slovakia appearing after the Great War.
- Fixed Lombardy-Venetia.
- Fixed Polish Content.
- Korean events rewritten.
- Chinese bugs fixed again.
- A bunch of minor bugs fixed.
Version 20.01.22 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.1 - 1.11.4)
- Major Chinese fix.
- Implemented portraits from NSB (more Polish Generals).
- Tweaks to Russian generals.
- Fixed missing localisation for Ferdinand von Quast.
- Added a Japanese general for Korea.
- Lozan Conference focus fix.
- Fixed Ottoman minority solution related bug.
- Nationalist France will no longer annex a puppetted French Commune.
- AI tweaks and balances.
- Russian revolution will trigger erlier.
- Ottoman fixes.
- Chinese fixes.
- Bruderkrieg fixes.
- New portraits and generals.
- More implementetion of the character system.
- Chiliean presidential events.
- Tweaks to liberia.
Version 22.12.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.11.1 - 1.11.4)
- Compatibility with 1.11.*.
- Added railways and trains.
- Adapted the new character system.
- Implemented the new tank module system (No Step Back DLC).
- Added national focus trees for Sweden and Belgium.
- Ottoman Changes:
- Added liberal path.
- Improved other paths.
- Ottoman debt system.
- War of Independence (W.I.P.).
- New portraits and generals for several nations.
- Added new historical events for several countries.
- Reworked the Bruderkrieg.
- Added the United States of Greater Austria as a formable nation for federalized Austria-Hungary.
- Added formable Great Britain for Scotland.
- Fixed Warlord Era again.
- Added Warlord Era related focuses.
- Added few focuses for Russia.
- Fixed Washington Naval Treaty (Man the Guns DLC).
- Tweaked Prussian Blue contents.
- Bug fixes.
- Localisation tweaks.
Version 05.08.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.8)
- Some portraits have been added and updated.
- Added more icons of the ideology of autocracy.
- Fixed a bug with the Ottoman tree.
- The Russian absolutist way has been corrected.
- Removed the previously added artillery section.
- Tweaks and fixes in general.
Version 29.07.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.7)
- Numerous bug fixes and improvements.
- Added historical focus filter.
- Tweaks to the Ottoman focus tree.
- Added artillery-related traits for generals.
- Added new unit models.
- Added technology GFX.
- Added most of the missing effect for the Italian focus tree.
- New events.
- More leader-specific traits.
- New focus icons.
- New portraits and generals.
Version 02.06.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.5)
- Fixed "Form Mittelafrika" decision
- Added missing portraits and icons for the Ottoman Empire.
- Added generic ilussve gentleemrn.
- Chinese fixes and tweaks.
- Russian civil war improved.
- Numerous fixes and tweaks to the Soviet Russia focus tree.
- Removed oil fields expansion decisions.
- Several flags improved.
- Added a discord link button to the main menu.
- New events for Fabian society path.
Version 25.05.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.5)
- Other factions will now be able to accept the surrender of France or Germany.
- Nikolai Mikhailovich added as a general for the Russian Empire.
- Proper Qing cabinet.
- Several tweaks and fixes realated to China.
- New portraits.
- French Navy tweaked.
- Nerfed Italy.
- Tweaks focus icons.
- Removed walkable path from Rhodes and North Aegean islands to Anatolia.
- Fix for Interwar Turkey.
- Added an event about Scuttling the German fleet after their loss in the Great War.
- Added ABC Conference for Brazil.
- Reduced mod size.
- Several small fixes.
Version 18.05.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.5)
- Various fixes.
Version 12.05.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.5)
- Austro-Hungarian fragmentation status added to the game rules.
- Several fixes and improvements to China.
- Historical Ungern.
- New focus icons.
- Sykes-Picot fix.
- Ottoman nerfs, Russian buffs.
Version 09.05.21 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.5)
- Fixed Bulgaria skipping the second Balkan War.
- Fixed Batum Peace Deal.
- Made Russian Republic harder to capitulate.
- Fixed Greek Banat.
- Made French AI less aggressive if Germany is a player.
- Sudan will be given to Egypt after the British loss in the Great War.
- Added infrastructure to Burgenland.
- Fixed War of the Worlds localization and made it less rare.
- Ottomans will surrender in the Balkan War if Constantinople is taken.
- Italy will be given an additional unit if the Ottomans are a player.
- Better focus icons.
Version 18.11.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1 - 1.10.2)
- Update to game version 1.10.2.
Version 21.10.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.10.1)
- Fixes
- Portraits
- more gfx
- more ideas
- more events
- Start of the Russian Revolution depends on stability and communism support
- Korean content
- Changed Belgian pacifism idea - it will be more dynamic
- Changed Generic Focus Tree
Version 10.09.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.3)
- USA focus tree
- Canadian focus tree
- Brazilian focus tree
- Turkish, Russian, Australian focus improvements
- Soviet Russian Empire? Russian Manchuria for Russian-german path.
- Bunch of cosmetic tags.
- Added +300 new events (for Ireland, Serbia, UK, Turkey, Russia, Germany, Canada, USA, Brazil, South Americans, Alternative collapses of empires...)
- Removed +300 startup errors
- Fix of GW Treaty
- Interface fixes
- Smth else, do not remember
Version 07.06.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.3)
- This is real 1.9.3 patch
- Bosnia, Hejaz are dead
- British focus tree
- Dutch focus tree
- Events for Great Depression
- Random advisor portraits
- Tech and equipment rebalance
- New portraits
- Small buff for Turks
- Pink Germany
Version 03.05.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.1)
Small patch. Please, start new game, don't load old save on this version!
- New portraits
- New states in South America (preparation for Brazilian update)
- Improved map: corrected Balkan states, South America, Libya and Cameroon
- New models for USA, Canada and Latin American units
- Minor improvements
Version 22.04.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.0 - 1.9.1)
- Turkish focus tree (thanks Ahmet Samet)
- Small Chinese focus tree
- New portraits for Nicholas II, Raymond Poincare, Armand Fallieres, ottoman leaders, etc
- Bunch of new icons
- New state in Brazil
- Correction of province borders
- Mexican Border War
- Decisions of US congress returned (without Congress system)
- Native American wars events
- Russian Persian Campaign of 1909-1911.
- Completed interwar focuses of Germany (thanks SilentEnforcer)
- Completed German Alternative path decisions
- Decreased bonuses for OHL idea
- and something else, i don't remember
Version 18.03.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.0 - 1.9.1)
- Correction of original TGW focuses
- New balance. Increased artillery cost. Reduced artillery damage.
- National cores of colonial nations.
- Special rule for colonial Empires: blocking release of puppets/nations before the Great War.
- New generals and admirals for Italy, Canada, USA, Britain.
- Cosmetic fixes (new flags, portraits)
Version 02.03.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.9.0 - 1.9.1)
- new German focus tree.
- new portraits
- fixed old focus trees (correct technologies, empty rewards, etc)
- system of random events (like in vic2)
- Small Australian focus tree.
- MTG Fleet for major countries.
- Some events for minor countries.
- fix of french surrender - they'll never surrender after losing Paris, if USA is in faction with France.
- NOT ALL DECISIONS ARE WORKING in german focus tree, don't afraid it.
Version 08.01.20 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.8.1 - 1.8.2)
- Fix of german surrender. AI will conclude a truce if it loses over 1,500,000 manpower. AI’s desire to conclude truce is influenced by the situation on the Eastern Front and capitulation of Belgium.
- Some event-gfx
- Now members of Entente or Central Powers can see special decisions for The Great War before it starts.
- Fix of Russian idea "United and Indivisible"
- Trying to fix fleet and crash
- New system of Versallies Treaty. You will get only claimed/core states. Also you can continue war if the faction leader capitulated. Before signing a truce, you need to use a special decision.
- someFocus fixes
- Soviet Focuses: reduced the number of conditions in diplomatic focuses
- fleet technologies returned
- Warlord Era in China: new tags, collapse of Chinese Empire
- Revolution in Portugal: now you can save monarchy
- New Secret Event
- New news Events
- New Interbellum Events
- New portraits
- Bulgarian Focuses (by Silent Enforcer)
- Some more shit
Version 25.12.19 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.8.1)